How would you identify your feeling of being pregnant first signs of pregnancy could help you to identify it. Early signs and symptoms and your body changes in each trimester will make you experienced of your whole child bearing process and you will be able to become a good and caring mother.
You will feel tired and because of hormonal changes which is the main reason of your fatigue you will feel sleepy and your sleeping hours will be increased don't worry it is the part of your pregnancy state that your body needs extra rest during this time because you will feel restlessness whole time and will go to bed.
In a normal state a person takes food according to his requirements but in a pregnancy state a woman needs more nutrition to his baby who is developing in her womb she needs 2500 total calories per day because it doesn't only fulfils her nutrition but also fulfills baby's needs so that's why she feels excess hungry and over eats.
You will get starts pain in your back and in lower abdomen because of your uterus will provide a space to your conception and it happens due to increase and changes in hormones too. Pains are natural when your body get involved to bring a new life and to nourish and cherish that.
What are the first signs of pregnancy
Missed period
It is the first time when you know that that you got your period missed it happens when there is alterations in your regular menstrual periods if goes regular means you are not pregnant or if goes irregular there is doubt that you could have pregnant so you go forward to do home pregnancy test which will come possitive according to your thinking.Morning sickness
The state of being pregnant brings lots of changes in you physically and mentally morning sickness is one of them it starts from the first month till third you in some cases it stays for six months means till second trimester you will feel in early morning while getting up on your bed will feel dizziness inside yourself.Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a medical term also called excessive vomiting. You will feel nausea with or without vomiting, nausea means feelings of vomiting it stays at least three months of your pregnancy lots of hormonal changes comes when your uterus coneive so it is a natural process that you adapt during your pregnancy.Breast Tenderness
Increasing hormonal level like increase in progesterone and estrogen breast become swollen and can have pain in your Brest along with that the size also increased during pregnancy.Fatigue
You will feel tired and because of hormonal changes which is the main reason of your fatigue you will feel sleepy and your sleeping hours will be increased don't worry it is the part of your pregnancy state that your body needs extra rest during this time because you will feel restlessness whole time and will go to bed.
Excessive food craving
In a normal state a person takes food according to his requirements but in a pregnancy state a woman needs more nutrition to his baby who is developing in her womb she needs 2500 total calories per day because it doesn't only fulfils her nutrition but also fulfills baby's needs so that's why she feels excess hungry and over eats.
Back ache and body pain
You will get starts pain in your back and in lower abdomen because of your uterus will provide a space to your conception and it happens due to increase and changes in hormones too. Pains are natural when your body get involved to bring a new life and to nourish and cherish that.